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Meet Latrica

My family and I have lived in Hamilton County for 17 years. My husband Patrick and I have been married for 30 years. We are the parents of a current senior and sophomore at Fishers High School, a 2020 graduate of Fishers High School and a 2012 graduate of Noblesville High School. My children have been able to pursue their passions in academics, athletics and the arts which has provided future opportunities for them to grow and succeed. I am dedicated to  safeguarding the experiences of all students and the educators who invest their knowledge, time and hearts into them. 

I will bring a wide variety of experiences to the HSE School Board. These experiences include being a Mom of a child with exceptional needs, a business owner, a community volunteer, a spouse of an educator, and the valuable experience of being a therapeutic foster parent. Through these experiences I have learned how to be an advocate for those whose voices need to be heard. I believe each person has their own path to grow and succeed. Parents are their child’s first educators and when they enter the school system, teachers act in partnership with parents to support each student in their educational journey. My goals as a school board member would be to support initiatives that are student centered, data driven, and outcome based. I believe these initiatives should be grounded in collaboration with our students, educators, parents and the larger community to ensure that the needs of all students are met. My commitment to the HSE community is to strive to give every student an opportunity to reach their best individual outcomes.

Our community is fortunate to have a school district that continually strives to be the best. Though we are not without challenges, our district has a history of excellence in Indiana and continues to have great success, but I know we can aim higher and achieve more. We are an award-winning school district that exemplifies excellence in arts, academics, athletics, and providing programs for students of all abilities and backgrounds to succeed. I want to ensure that we as a school board keep a student centered focus while we support our incredible educators in their passion to provide excellent educational opportunities for all our students.


Committee to Elect Latrica Schooley
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